Specialised in piglets

ITF is specialised in swine nutrition, developing premixes and feed specifically designed for highly specialised diets and technical programmes applied to feed new-born piglets and those in the growth stages.
We focus our efforts on the research, development, design and manufacture of products and specific feeding programmes for piglets. Our plant entirely dedicated to food production and specialties intended for piglets, including Iberian breed.

We are experts in developing and designing complete diets and feeding programmes for the initial production cycles, focusing precisely on these stages, which are so crucial on every pig farm, while providing solutions to maximize the growth potential of piglets at any scenario.
Our nutrition experts define specifications especially adapted to the different genetics, specific handling characteristics, type of pig farm, etc.

Advanced Nutritional Solutions

We provide our customers with premixes and concentrates that incorporate the latest innovations in swine nutrition and that are tailored to the specifications and requirements of each factory, as well as lacto-initiators, pre-starters, starters, correctors and natural alternatives to growth promoters.

We develop nutritional programmes designed to ensure intake at weaning, favour the development of the digestive system and ensure the best possible performance in conversion rates for each farm, with a special emphasis on the optimization of production costs.


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