For patients

If, after taking a drug product made by Faes Farma Group, you present a symptom that could be associated to taking this drug product, please consult with your doctor or pharmacist or if you wish to inform us, you may fill in the following form.

    First Name *

    Last Name *

    Email *

    Age *


    Country *

    Autonomous Community (only Spain)

    Name of the drug product*

    Reason for taking the drug product


    Privacy Policy

    In compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999 on protection of personal data (LOPD), the Pharmacovigilance Unit of FAES informs you that your personal data may be included into a file owned by FAES FARMA, S.A. and as far as the information complies with the provisions of Royal Decree (RD) 577/2013 of 26 July, which regulated Pharmacovigilance of drugs for human use, the data will be used exclusively to comply with said activity regarding the management of adverse events/adverse reactions. We inform you that you may at any time exercise your rights to access, rectify, cancel and oppose your personal data as established by law, by writing to FAES FARMA, S.A. (Pharmacovigilance Unit), Avenida Autonomia 10, 48940, Leioa. Bilbao, Spain, or by sending an email to:
