Corporate Webs

Faes Farma
Faes Farma corporate website.
Faes Farma Portugal
Faes Farma Portugal, a Portuguese pharmaceutical company owned by Faes Farma. With a modern vision sharply focused on the future, Laboratorios Vitoria is a benchmark in the industry, with a strong and competitive position in the Portuguese market.
Faes Farma Colombia
Faes Farma Colombia website.
Faes Farma Farmacias
Faes Farma Farmacias is Faes Farma's new online platform for pharmacy offices. Its goal is to provide information, training, and connection with the world of Pharmacy Offices, offering current content and adding value for its users.
Profesionales de la Salud
Profesionales de la Salud (Health Professionals), is Faes Farma’s information portal dedicated to health and medicine professionals.

Nutrition and animal health

FARM Faes is the Animal Nutrition and Health division of the Faes Farma group. It consists of four leading companies in the Animal Nutrition and Health sector: INGASO FARM, TECNOVIT, ISF by FARM FAES and iTF.
At INGASO FARM, we prioritise field research, and our specialisation in piglet nutrition allows us to recommend tailored programs for each customer.
A company focused on the design, manufacture, and marketing of feed supplements for Animal Nutrition. It specialises primarily in the production of nutrient concentrates, correctors, early age feeds, additives, and acidifiers for pigs, ruminants, and poultry.
Initial Technical Foods
ITF, a brand specialising in animal nutrition for pigs, primarily focuses on the manufacture and development of premixes and feeds, specifically designed for piglets.
Marketing and distribution of animal nutrition products.
AT Capselos, AIE develops microencapsulation procedures and manufactures microencapsulated products.

Healthcare Products

ProFaes4 Probiotics
ProFaes4 is the first range of probiotics developed and adapted to satisfy the different demands of all stages of life. ProFaes4 is the only powerful probiotic able to be combined with other multi-nutrient products without destabilizing the probiotic.
Pankreoflat coated tablets, a combination of pancreatic digestive enzymes and Simethicone, reduce heaviness in the stomach and gas formation and retention.
Faes Farma’s range of products in Otorhinolaryngology.
Relief from swelling and symptoms of mild venous insufficiency.
Arnidol®, the range of magic sticks for protecting your children: Gel stick for minor bumps, Pic for insect bites, and Sun for sun protection.
Roha-Max is an exclusive formula based on senna leaves, which naturally help maintain regular bowel movements.
High-quality Swiss herbal products.
Vitanatur, a range of dietary supplements formulated with expert knowledge: from an expert understanding of each system to the selection of the most suitable natural active ingredients.
Siken® is a leading brand in weight control, offering food and supplements to help with weight management and weight loss, providing solutions for each goal.
Molusinkid is a medical device for the local cutaneous treatment of Molluscum contagiosum lesions.