
Our commitment to society and our employees

At the heart of our activities lies the health of both humans and animals. R&D+i is one of our main tools in the search for health and nutritional solutions. We ensure high quality and safety of our products throughout the entire process, from supply chain control to after-sales service that allows us to manage possible adverse reactions and special situations.

Our employees embody the Group’s values and are the driving force behind achieving our purpose. We are deeply committed to fostering a safe, healthy, and tolerant workplace, where talent is provided with the tools needed for development.

Health and safety in society
Our performance in 2023
  • Investment and expenditure in R&D&I for the development of new molecules and the innovation of existing ones exceeded 21 million euros.
  • Alliances and membership of entities that promote R&D&I, quality and technological development with the aim of improving the health of society.
What are we working to improve?
  • Specific training in the ISO 13485 quality standard for our employees in Spain involved in the marketing of healthcare products.
  • Educational initiatives and campaigns for professional and patient information and training.

Occupational health and safety
Our performance in 2023
  • Implementation of the Unifikas collaborative software for occupational health and safety management at Faes Farma S.A. and in the Animal Nutrition and Health business line.
  • Approval and implementation of the corporate protocol against harassment in the workplace.
Occupational Health and Safety Policy
What are we working to improve?
  • We are progressing with the roll-out of new collaborative software for occupational health and safety management in all other Group companies.
  • As the Group’s employee numbers and facilities grow, we’re intensifying our efforts to adhere to our three-pillar preventive culture: promoting health, preventing occupational risks, and providing health and prevention training.
Our performance in 2023
  • 54% women in the Group’s workforce.
  • Implementation of teleworking in the Group.
  • The Group’s wage gap is 6%.
  • 96% of hires are permanent.
  • Approval and implementation of the Corporate Recruitment Policy.
  • Implementation of the Corporate Internal Communication Plan and setting up of the Communication Committee.
  • Negotiation and approval of the Ingaso and Tecnovit Equality Plan.
What are we working to improve?
  • We worked on the implementation of the equality plans of Faes Farma S.A., Tecnovit and Ingaso.
  • We implemented the actions included in the corporate internal communication plan.
  • We drew up the corporate promotion policy and procedure.
  • We developed the catalogue of reconciliation and co-responsibility measures at Faes Farma S.A.
Our contribution to the community
Our performance in 2023
  • We support 61 interns or work experience contracts in their training development through alliances with universities and educational centres.
  • Animal Nutrition and Health as a promoter of employment in areas affected by rural depopulation.
  • We donated more than 91,000 euros and 67,000 units of products to entities that mainly contribute to SDG2. Hunger and Food Security and SDG3. Health.
What are we working to improve?
  • Thinking about how to align our priority social actions with our new values.
  • Ongoing work with universities and educational institutions to promote the development of local employment.
Supply chain
Our performance in 2023
  • Updating of the Supplier Code of Ethics and Conduct by extending its scope to distributors, licensees, co-marketers and business partners, and the inclusion of the new whistleblowing channel. Its new name is “Third Party Code of Ethics and Conduct”.
  • Launch of the campaign for adherence to our Code of Ethics and Third Party Conduct by licensees linked to Faes Farma, S.A.
What are we working to improve?
  • We work with our suppliers of cosmetics, food and healthcare products to assess the feasibility of implementing eco-design improvements in packaging.
  • We assess the forthcoming ESG regulatory implications for our supply chain in order to define an action plan.
  • We’ve shared our eco-design best practices guide with marketing material suppliers in Spain.
Dedicated to attracting and retaining talent.
Human Rights
Our internal and third-party codes of ethics demonstrate our responsibility to commit to Human Rights.
Explore our innovation, development, and innovation area
Contact us if you suspect an adverse reaction to a medicine marketed by Faes Farma
What are we working to improve?
  • We’re defining three new R&D&i directions in the pharmaceutical business, with the aim of giving a significant boost to efficiency and meeting goals.
  • We promote the training and coordination of the pharmacovigilance teams of the different subsidiaries from the corporate unit, achieving a significant improvement in the operation and reception of communications.