The starting materials are in our warehouse, where samples are taken…

July 1st, 2015

“We began to practice the medical profession in the far-off times when Professor Alfred Fournier’s wise, extensive teachings were universally abided by as a fundamental doctrine of the syphilis specialists’ knowledge, in which everyone considered mercury the main, almost exclusive remedy for syphilis – it was called a specific drug – with no remote signs then of a therapeutic “plus ultra”…

Questions of simple details were discussed, such as the advantages and disadvantages of injections of mercury di-iodide, grey oil and calemolanos, and those classical, very common, strictly periodic and intermittent mercury frictions, recommended by Fournier, followed by prolonged swallowing of strong doses of potassium iodide and that, in Spain, used to end up with a ritual visit to the famous Archena (Murcia) baths. They had been the basis of the cures for many decades and they began to be taken out of practice.

And hardly any clinic – Gaucher – dared to advise the use of arsenic for treating syphilis”.